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Instruments and services

Wiley FAMES: Fatty Acid Methyl Ester Mass Spectral Library
The "FAMEs Fatty Acid Methyl Esters: Mass Spectral Database" contains over 240 spectra and structures of fatty acid methyl esters, including their Linear Retention Index and calculated Kovats Retention Index registered using an alkane mixture on an apolar column and using also a FAMEs and FAEEs (fatty acid ethyl esters) mixture on a polar column.

Wiley Mass Spectra of Physiologically Active Substances 2011
This fast and reliable spectral library helps researchers overcome the analytical challenge for identification of steroids in body fluids. Most spectra have been obtained on the same mass spectrometer under identical conditions. The data records include chemical name, chemical structure, molecular formula, and synonyms.

Wiley KnowItAll IR Spectral Database Collection
Wiley's "KnowItAll IR Spectral Library" offers access to over 339,000 infrared spectral records — the world's largest collection of high-quality infrared spectra including the renowned Sadtler™ databases.

DataApex Clarity Offline Chromatography Software
Clarity Offline allows users to import previously acquired data and to evaluate and prepare methods in regulated environment.

Wiley KnowItAll Solutions for MS
With the NEW KnowItAll 2024, Wiley continues to expand KnowItAll’s MS capabilities with updates to accelerate analysis workflows even further.

Mestrelab Mnova Gears – Chrom Best Method software
Chrom Best Method is a vendor agnostic tool that can seamlessly screen and compare several chromatographic methods, then suggest the one that is more likely to yield a pure compound.

Wiley Mass Spectra of Geochemicals, Petrochemicals and Biomarkers
Mass Spectra of Geochemicals, Petrochemicals and Biomarkers is a high-quality database for organic, geo, and/or petrochemist featuring 1,093 mass spectra of well-defined compounds. Chemical structures elucidated, if necessary, by a variety of techniques including NMR spectroscopy and single-crystal x-ray structure analysis.

Wiley LIPIDS Mass Spectral Database
The Lipids Mass Spectral Database contains 430 GC mass spectra registered from a pure standard and categorized into 11 classes of lipids. The database provides significant support for peak assignment in complex mixtures, making it a valuable tool in many research areas such as food analysis and clinical and medical applications.

Wiley Pesticides Mass Spectral Library With LRI, 2nd Edition
The "Mass Spectra of Pesticides with Retention Indices, 2nd Edition" contains 1,300 pesticide molecules sorted in 20 different classes. The GC-MS-based pesticides library provides significant support for peak assignment in complex mixtures.

Wiley KnowItAll Mass Spectral Database Collection
When it comes to spectral data you need comprehensive data you can trust. Wiley is the leading producer of the highest-quality spectral databases. Their KnowItAll Mass Spectral Library offers access to over 934,000 mass spectra and up to 1.3 million spectra, depending on the options you choose!

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