Agilent G1888 Network Headspace Sampler (Refurbished)
Samplers like the Agilent G1888 HeadSpace revolutionize gas chromatography (GC) and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC/MS) analyses by effortlessly introducing volatile compounds from liquid or solid samples.
Agilent 7697A Headspace Sampler 111 vials (Refurbished)
The Agilent 7697A is designed for precise dosing of volatiles by headspace extraction directly into a GC or GC/MS system.
Agilent 7820A Gas Chromatograph System (Refurbished)
The Agilent 7820A Gas Chromatograph System stands as a reliable and cost-effective GC system offering a diverse array of inlet and detector options, including a mass spectrometer.
Agilent 5973 inert GC/MS System (Refurbished)
The Agilent 5973 inert GC/MS System is the latest instrument in the 5973 series of mass selective detectors (MSD). This model provides improved inertness for reactive compounds, resulting in a better peak shape.
Agilent 7200 Series GC/Q-TOF (Refurbished)
The Agilent 7200 Series GC/Q-TOF represents a revolutionary quadrupole time-of-flight gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) system, providing comprehensive full-spectrum, high-resolution, accurate-mass data essential for screening, profiling, and identifying GC-amenable compounds.
Agilent GC/QQQ 7000B (Refurbished)
The 7000/7010 Series Triple Quad GC/MS combination can quantify trace amounts of organic compounds in complex matrices. Suitable for food safety, environmental, pharmaceutical, toxicology and forensic applications.
Agilent GC/QQQ 7010A (Refurbished)
The Agilent 7010A Triple Quadrupole GC/MS/MS provides the industry's first atogram detection limits in electron ionization (EI) mode. Its high-efficiency EI source produces at least 20 times more ions than previous generations, increasing the efficiency of the entire workflow.
Agilent 6890 Gas Chromatograph (Refurbished)
A number of older HP/Agilent Technologies 6890 gas chromatographs are available in a variety of configurations, components, modules or spare parts.