Wiley Seminar - Part III: AMDIS (NIST) for Processing EI Mass Spectral Data Files
Fr, 5.3.2021
| Original article from: Mass Spec Interpretation Services/James LittleMass Spec Interpretation Services/James Little: AMDIS (NIST) for Processing EI Mass Spectral Data Files
I presented a 5-part Wiley Webinar Series in August-September, 2020 on EI library searches. The series demonstrates the effective use of NIST software such as MS Search, MS Interpreter, and AMDIS with the Wiley, NIST, and user-created libraries.
The Part III will cover:
Detailed Handouts including tables of content are available in the LabRulezGCMS library.
- Help files and manuals
- Common Windows commands/functions
- AMDIS essentials
- Opening files
- Deconvoluting spectra and obtaining manual spectrum using LMB
- Evaluating results
- Externalsearching of commercial/user libraries with NIST MS
- Uncertain peaks
- Plotting selected ion chromatograms in normal and log scale
- Manually obtaining background subtracted spectra
- Internalsearching (no structures) of commercial/user databases
- Internalsearching (no structures) of target libraries
- Optimizing peak detection
- Comparing two chromatograms for differences
- Retention indices
- Problemno chromatogram/spectrum window
- Webinar References
- Acknowledgements
Future parts will focus on:
The past sections have focused on:
James Little/Mass Spec Interpretation Services