Food & Agriculture - Overview of GC/MS and GC/MS/MS Application in 2020
Pixabay/Free-Photos: Food & Agriculture - Overview of GC/MS and GC/MS/MS Application in 2020
Take a look at the latest trends in gas chromatography and mass spectrometry associated with the analysis of food and agriculture samples using GC/SQ, GC/QQQ or the combination of gas chromatography with high resolution mass spectrometers (HRMS ) as TOF spectrometers, Q-TOF spectrometers, Orbitrap systems or couplings GC with soft ionization at atmospheric pressure (APGC) coupled with QQQ spectrometers for liquid chromatography.
In addition, these techniques such as thermal desorption (TD), solid phase microextraction (SPME), headspace (HS) or comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography ( GCxGC) are also used for sample introduction.
The latest technologies push the boundaries of detection limits in all application areas - from analysis of Cannabis, through analysis of polyaromatic hydrocarbons ** (PAH) ** in various matrices and analysis of dioxins to complex analyzes of tea and the whole spectrum of other drinks and foods.
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GC/QQQ (26)
Analysis of Dioxins in Foods and Feeds Using GC-MS/MS with BEIS | 2020 | Shimadzu
Analysis of Multiresidue Pesticides in Salmon Using Agilent Captiva EMR—Lipid with GC/MS/MS | 2020 | Agilent Technologies
Determination of Pesticide and Mycotoxin Residues in Dried Cannabis Flower: LC-MS/MS and GC-MS/MS Methodology to Meet the Recommended AOAC Regulatory Requirements for US States and Canada | 2020 | Waters
Terpenes in Hemp and Cannabis Determined Using EI GC-MS/MS | 2020 | Waters
Metabolomic Profiling of Beer Using GC-MS and GC-FID | 2020 | Shimadzu
Determination of 19 Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Compounds in Salmon and Beef | 2020 | Agilent Technologies
Analysis of Twenty-Seven GC‑Amenable Pesticides Regulated in the Cannabis Industry in North America with the Agilent 8890/7010B Triple Quadrupole GC/MS Systém | 2020 | Agilent Technologies
Waters Application Notes - Food Testing | 2020 | Waters
Analysis of Multiclass Multiresidue Pesticides in Milk Using Agilent Captiva EMR—Lipid with LC/MS/MS and GC/MS/MS | 2020 | Agilent Technologies
Confidently Analyze Cannabis Flower and Hemp - Application compendium for cannabis potency and safety | 2020 | Agilent Technologies
Automated MRM Method Development for Pesticides in Cannabis Using the Agilent MassHunter Optimizer for GC/TQ | 2020 | Agilent Technologies
Dioxins Analysis in Food and Feed by Intuvo 9000/7010 GC-QQQ Systém | 2020 | Agilent Technologies
Optimized PAH Analysis Using Triple Quadrupole GC/MS with Hydrogen Carrier | 2020 | Agilent Technologies
Analysis of Double Bond Position in Unsaturated Fatty Acid Methyl Esters by SMCI Method | 2020 | Shimadzu
Various Analysis Techniques for Organic Acids and Examples of Their Application | 2020 | Shimadzu
Automated micro-SPE clean-up for GC-MS/MS analysis of pesticide residues in cereals | 2020 | Thermo Fischer Scientific
Quantification of Persistent Organic Pollutants in Dietary Supplements Using Stir Bar Sorptive Extraction Coupled with GC-MS/MS and Isotope Dilution Mass Spectrometry | 2020 | GERSTEL
Determination of Dioxin in Food by GC-MS/MS Coupled with Boosted Efficiency Ion Source (BEIS) | 2020 | Shimadzu
Evaluation of Food Deterioration by Multivariate Analysis | 2020 | Shimadzu
Low Calibration Limit Research for Multiresidue Pesticides in Milk Using the Agilent 8890/7010B and 7890B/7000C Triple Quadrupole GC/MS Systems | 2020 | Agilent Technologies
Determination of Dioxin in Food by GC-MS/MS Coupled with Boosted Efficiency Ion Source (BEIS) | 2020 | Shimadzu
Determination of 33 pesticide residues in Ginseng using gas chromatography-triple quadrupole mass spektrometry | 2020 | Shimadzu
Agilent Triple Quadrupole GC/MS - Application Compendium | 2020 | Agilent Technologies
Fast Analysis of Organic and Amino Acids in Café Late by Solid Phase-Derivatization method | 2020 | Shimadzu
Analysis of the California list of Pesticides and Mycotoxins in Edibles | 2020 | Restek
GC/TOF (5)
Cannabis Analysis: Hemp Potency Determination | 2020 | LECO
Developing Cannabis Chemovar Maps Using Comprehensive Two-Dimensional Gas Chromatography with High Performance Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry (GCxGC-TOFMS) | 2020 | LECO
Determination of Pesticides in Tomato by GCxGC-TOFMS | 2020 | LECO
Frankincense and Myrrh: Visual Characterization and Comparison of Essential Oils with GCxGC Structured Chromatograms | 2020 | LECO
GC/Q-TOF (5)
Workflow for food classification and authenticity using yerba mate and high-resolution GC/Q-TOF | 2020 | Agilent Technologies
Black Pepper authenticity workflow using high-resolution GC/Q-TOF | 2020 | Agilent Technologies
Agilent ASMS 2020 Posters Book | 2020 | Agilent Technologies
Black Pepper Authenticity Workflow Using the High-Resolution Agilent 7250 GC/Q-TOF | 2020 | Agilent Technologies
Workflow for Food Classification and Authenticity using Yerba Mate and High-Resolution GC/Q-TOF | 2020 | Agilent Technologies
GC/Orbitrap (2)
Simultaneous screening and quantification of pesticide residues in potato using GC-Orbitrap MS | 2020 | Thermo Fischer Scientific
Food integrity application compendium | 2020 | Thermo Fischer Scientific
Determination of Pesticide and Mycotoxin Residues in Dried Cannabis Flower: LC-MS/MS and GC-MS/MS Methodology to Meet the Recommended AOAC Regulatory Requirements for US States and Canada | 2020 | Waters
Waters Application Notes - Food Testing | 2020 | Waters
GC/SQ (33)
GC/MS Flavor Analysis of Foods and Beverages Under Consumption Conditions | 2020 | Shimadzu
Development of a Quantitative Method of Eight Cannabinoids Including Total THC and GCMS | 2020 | Shimadzu
Selective and Sensitive Analysis of 20 Category I and II Residual Solvents for Cannabis Application using Headspace-GCMS | 2020 | Shimadzu
Optimal Separation of PAH Compounds including Chrysene & Triphenylene using Zebron™ ZB-PAH-SeleCT GC column | 2020 | Phenomenex
Fast Analysis of Regulated PAHs by GC-MS using Zebron™ ZB-PAH-EU and Zebron ZB-PAH-SeleCT | 2020 | Phenomenex
Rapid GC-MS Analysis of European Food Safety Agency (EFSA) PAH Compounds in Food using a Zebron™ ZB-PAH-EU GC Column | 2020 | Phenomenex
New Approach to Food Smell Analysis Using Combination of GCMS™ and GC-SCD (1) | 2020 | Shimadzu
New Approach to Food Smell Analysis Using Combination of GCMS™ and GC-SCD (2) | 2020 | Shimadzu
Qualitative Analysis of Aroma Components in Beer Using Peak Deconvolution | 2020 | Shimadzu
Evaluation of Aroma Generated During Cooking | 2020 | Shimadzu
Application of Pyrolysis-GC/MS to Food Contamination Analysis | 2020 | Shimadzu
Application of Thermal Extraction-GC/MS to Food Contamination Analysis | 2020 | Shimadzu
Novel Residual Solvents Analysis of Cannabinoid Products with the Agilent Headspace-GC/MS System | 2020 | Agilent Technologies
Thermal decomposition of vitamin E acetate in a surrogate vaping environment | 2020 | Thermo Fischer Scientific
Terpenes Analysis in Cannabis Products by Liquid Injection using the Agilent Intuvo 9000/5977B GC/MS System | 2020 | Agilent Technologies
Characterization of Hemp-Based Products Using HS-GC/MS | 2020 | Agilent Technologies
Rinse and Shoot: Rapid Pesticide Screening Workflow by GC/MS in Under Five Minutes | 2020 | Agilent Technologies
The use of SPME-GC/MS to determine the best packaging material for preventing light-induced off-flavors in milk | 2020 | Merck
Rapid Rinse and Shoot: Screening Workflow for Pesticides in Fruit by GC/MSD in Under Six Minutes | 2020 | Agilent Technologies
The Analysis of Electronic Cigarette E-Liquids by GC-MS | 2020 | SCION Instruments
Agilent ASMS 2020 Posters Book | 2020 | Agilent Technologies
Various Analysis Techniques for Organic Acids and Examples of Their Application | 2020 | Shimadzu
Agilent QuickProbe Comprehensive e-Book | 2020 | Agilent Technologies
Identifying key odor compounds in bourbon using solvent-free aroma dilution analysis and a novel software for interpreting GC-O data | 2020 | GERSTEL
Analysis of 21 Terpenes in 3 Cannabis Cultivars by HS-GCMS | 2020 | Shimadzu
Oregon Residual Solvent Analysis Method for Cannabis/Hemp using a Shimadzu GCMS-SQ and Headspace Injections | 2020 | Shimadzu
Estimation of β-Sitosterol in Milk Fat (Ghee) Samples | 2020 | Agilent Technologies
Analysis of DMTS in Alcoholic Drinks Using SPME Arrow | 2020 | Shimadzu
Quantitation of Policosanols and Phytosterols in Brans by GC/MS | 2020 | Shimadzu
Fast Analysis of Fatty Acids in Brans by GC/MS | 2020 | Shimadzu
Classification of Unknown Samples by Fatty Acids | 2020 | Shimadzu
Quantitation of Cannabinoids in Hemp Flower by Derivatization GC/MS | 2020 | Agilent Technologies