Together with your LC/MS, we are moving towards a sustainable future (ARABLAB 2022)

- Photo: Labrecyling: Together with your LC/MS, we are moving towards a sustainable future (ARABLAB 2022)
- Video: Labrecyling: Labrecycling Short Movie
Here we are again. Labrecycling is diligently looking for used LC/MS systems. Are you going to renew your labs this fall or want to say goodbye to some old analytical devices? Think sustainable and think Labrecycling.
Our customers would like to use your LC/MS for several more years.
Labrecycling at ARABLAB 2022
Do you have the following instruments standing, which are no longer in service?
- Agilent HPLC 1200 series
- Agilent 6420 Triple Quad LC-MS G6420A
- Agilent 1260 Infinity
- Agilent 1260 Infinity II
- AB Sciex API 4000 - AB Sciex 4600 TripleTOF
- AB Sciex 4500 QTRAP (Q-Trap 4500)
- Shimadzu LCMS-8050
- Shimadzu LC20
Do you have another chromatograph, which you would like to give a second life?
Then please contact us. Maybe we can take it over from you.
Call/WhatsApp +316 14 12 25 25 | +316 24 28 44 41.
Want to meet Labrecycling in person? That's certainly possible! You can always come and visit our company. We will be also attending Arablab 2022, in Hall S1 standno. 646.
Labrecyling: Gives chromatography systems a 2nd life