GC and GCMS webinars - Week 11
LabRulez: GC and GCMS webinars - Week 11
In the week from March 15, 2021, the following webinars await you in the field of GC and GCMS. More details and registration can be found in the WEBINARS section.:
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1. Agilent Technologies: 1st Agilent Lab Informatics Virtual Summit
In this 1-day Virtual Summit don’t miss the opportunity to hear and speak with Agilent Lab Informatics experts.
2. Shimadzu Scientific Instruments: Pyrolysis Ask an Expert
Join us for the final webinar in a three-part series about PY-GC/MS. In this webinar presented by Shimadzu, you will have the opportunity to speak with the experts!
3. C&EN/JEOL: A New Platform for GC-MS Analysis of Complex Samples
In this presentation, we will discuss a new, completely redesigned high-resolution time-of-flight mass spectrometer for GC-MS analysis that combines a new TOF analyzer with integrated software.
4. Anatune: The Progression of SIFT-MS Through Breath and Clinical Applications - Day 1
Topics Day 1: An introduction; Oral malodour and its diagnosis and measurement; Validation of Electronic Nose with the SIFT-MS; Identify Differences in The Breath Volatile Profiles.
5. Agilent Technologies: Introduction to the Agilent 990 Micro GC
This webinar will discuss mobile gas chromatograph Agilent 990 Micro GC applications, hardware advancements, new wireless capabilities and the new industrial designed field case.
6. Anatune: The Progression of SIFT-MS Through Breath and Clinical Applications - Day 2
Topics Day 2: Testing Viral Filters by SIFT-MS; VOCs analysis by SIFT-MS following treatment of meat by Cold Atmospheric Plasma; Exhaled Breath Analysis Using Full-Scan SIFT-MS Data
7. Restek Corporation: Restek’s Workflows and Products for the Cannabis Market
Don’t reinvent the wheel! Join us to learn more about our testing solutions, literature and resources, and some of our first-hand experiences in this market.
8. Shimadzu Scientific Instruments: Analysis of Siloxanes in Biogas using TD-GC-MS
In this webinar we will talk about analysis of Siloxanes in Biogas using TD-GC-MS (thermal desorption - gas chromatography - mass spectrometry).
9. PerkinElmer: Fundamentals of Thermal Desorption; Absorbing the Ins & Outs
The theory and function of thermal desorption will be covered including differences between passive and active sampling.