Flavor and Aroma Profile of Hops Using FET-Headspace on the Teledyne Tekmar Versa with GC/MS
Applications | 2016 | Teledyne LABSInstrumentation
GC/MSD, HeadSpace
IndustriesFood & Agriculture
ManufacturerTeledyne LABS
Key wordshops, versa, teledyne, tekmar, equil, platen, temp, pressurize, headspace, flavor, time, aroma, fet, table, humulene, aromas, zoomed, caryophyllene, myrcene, sampler, profile, eic, vial, mixer, fill, static, automated, mixing, teklink, variable, craft, during, parameters, loop, woody, imparted, nerol, floral, five, farnesene, styles, flavoring, nose, citronellol, instrument, component, geraniol, terpenes, emv, stabilize
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