The use of Kendrick mass defect plots, a new feature in GC Image™ software for GC x GC/high resolution mass spectrometric data analysis: an application on the identification of halogenated contaminants in electronic waste
Applications | | ZOEX/JSBInstrumentation
IndustriesMaterials Testing, Semiconductor Analysis
ManufacturerJEOL, ZOEX/JSB
Key wordskendrick, mass, defect, supplier, gcxgc, halogenated, software, modulation, hexabromobenzene, jsb, resolution, image, terphenyls, combination, exact, high, flight, tcpp, mmu, region, tetrabromobisphenol, electronic, identification, time, feature, spectrometry, powerful, summing, eindhoven, zoex, tool, authorised, substitution, pbdes, atom, dust, recycling, horizontal, align, distinguished, visually, unprecedented, ionization, facility, differing, modulator, headquarters, chlorine, ireland, system
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