Direct Injection of Distilled Spirits with PTV Matrix Removal: The Perfect Splitless Injection ?
Aplikace | 1998 | GERSTELInstrumentation
IndustriesPotraviny a zemědělství
ManufacturerAgilent Technologies, GERSTEL
Key wordsspirits, gerstel, distilled, compounds, vinj, injection, solutes, enrichment, removal, splitless, heatable, solvent, ptv, large, abundance, volume, vapour, different, injected, calculator, aroma, leardi, pinj, psolv, quikkly, unattainably, contribution, desorptive, fsplit, riccardo, programmed, approach, direct, water, packing, calculated, succeeds, possibility, macnamara, effecting, which, vent, graphpack, vaporisation, head, transfer, carriergas, purpose, optimum, automation
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