Discrimination of Soft Drinks using a Chemical Sensor and Principal Component Analysis
Aplikace | 2002 | GERSTELInstrumentation
GC/MSD, HeadSpace, GC/SQ
IndustriesPotraviny a zemědělství
ManufacturerAgilent Technologies, GERSTEL
Key wordsbottle, soft, drinks, can, multivariate, abundance, sensor, gerstel, principal, chemical, each, pcs, component, mass, chemometrics, drink, abundances, samples, obtained, variables, aldehyde, isocineole, methoxycinnamic, whitecavage, pca, coupled, spectra, maaliene, sets, variable, fenchyl, plot, headspace, time, purchased, bisabolene, dimensionality, bisabolol, successively, were, cinnamic, differences, equipped, computers, cola, analysis, uses, number, correlations, clustered
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