Analysis of food using the Entech 7150 preconcentrator GC with large volume headspace
Applications | 2012 | AnatuneInstrumentation
GC/MSD, HeadSpace, SPME, Sample Preparation, GC/SQ
IndustriesFood & Agriculture
ManufacturerAgilent Technologies, Anatune, ENTECH
Key wordsmoist, headspace, thus, wet, trap, packaging, good, cheddar, analytes, fastened, pulls, shape, cause, dehydration, behave, offers, which, enrich, reproducibility, can, cheese, female, releases, differently, shows, detrimental, pose, samples, meat, preconcentration, earlier, utilizes, obtaining, connector, attached, agilent, portion, volatiles, cold, different, bottle, from, spme, foods, challenge, peak, chain, micro, volumes, vacuum
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