GC-APCI IMS of Diesel
Aplikace | 2015 | Agilent TechnologiesInstrumentation
IndustriesPrůmysl a chemie
ManufacturerAgilent Technologies
Key wordskendrick, mass, drift, diesel, mobility, sulfur, defect, ion, dibenzothiophenes, apci, funnel, compounds, series, ims, tof, hyrdodesulfurization, tube, counts, kmd, resolution, shows, profiling, unrelated, nominal, homologous, families, separation, high, related, identify, gas, iupac, xylene, hydrocarbon, spectrometry, containing, aromatic, agilent, distribution, overlapping, rear, separated, from, visual, alkyl, isobaric, patterns, hydrodesulfurization, nonalkylated, plots
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