Webinars LabRulezGCMS Week 38/2022
LabRulez: Webinars LabRulezGCMS Week 38/2022
In the week from September 19, 2022, the following webinars await you in the field of gas / solid phase and especially GC and GC/MS.
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1. PerkinElmer: The Smart Behind Separations: Enabling a New User Experience for GC and GC/MS Workflows
- Tu, 20.9.2022, 10:00 (CEST)
Explore how PerkinElmer GC 2400 Platform allows everyone to benefit from smart connections and simplified and sustainable lab operations.
2. Agilent Technologies: Scratching your Head over Headspace? We’ll Help Make Things Simple
- Th, 22.9.2022, 17:00 (CEST)
Join us as we go over the basics of headspace and how you can implement it successfully in the lab. We will discuss how to develop and optimize a method in addition to troubleshooting in case problems arise.
3. SelectScience/Thermo Fisher Scientific: An alternative approach using GC-Orbitrap MS for the analysis of pesticide residues in food
- Fr, 23.9.2022, 16:00 (CEST)
In this webinar we will share results that look at the merits of both GC-MS/MS and HRAM for the analysis of pesticide residues in food samples.
4. Agilent Technologies: Contamination Study with FTIR
- Fr, 23.9.2022, 19:00 (CEST)
This online seminar provides a comprehensive introduction to the FTIR testing technology in the contamination-related applications.