Determination of trace (pg/L) levels of Cypermethrin in water using Stir Bar Sorptive Extraction
Posters | 2015 | AnatuneInstrumentation
GC/MSD, GC/MS/MS, Sample Preparation, GC/QQQ
ManufacturerAgilent Technologies, GERSTEL, Anatune
Key wordstdu, cypermethrin, desorption, twister, stir, linearity, twistertm, bar, cis, levels, encased, mainlib, extraction, liner, thermal, evaluation, water, initial, optimisation, complete, work, should, achieved, further, good, precision, sorptive, using, labelled, transfer, dirty, permitted, repeat, consideration, method, gerstel, enrichment, liquid, magnetic, coated, proposed, indicate, replicates, figure, detection, plot, removal, avoid, volumes, mean
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