The Automated Derivatisation and Extraction of Fatty Acids using the Gerstel MPS Autosampler and Agilent 7890 / 7200 GC/Q-TOF
Applications | 2014 | AnatuneInstrumentation
GC/MSD, GC/MS/MS, GC/HRMS, Sample Preparation, GC/Q-TOF
ManufacturerAgilent Technologies, GERSTEL, Anatune
Key wordsgerstel, methyl, esters, fatty, derivatisation, agitator, fingerprinting, mps, tof, extraction, acids, tertradecanoate, metabolic, metabolomics, automated, docosanoate, head, rapidly, eicosanoate, heated, mvorx, octadecanoate, hexadecanoate, dual, utilising, retrospectively, fiehn, which, lvi, identities, tdu, multipurpose, enables, present, measurement, ahead, exceeding, metabolomic, aliquots, sample, prove, exactly, fame, comparative, searched, system, acid, used, method, agilent
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Automation of Derivatisation Workflows for GC-MS Metabolomics Applications
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