Determination of SVOCs in water samples using the Bruker μDROP™ method for the EVOQ™ GC-TQ MS/MS system
Aplikace | 2018 | BrukerInstrumentation
GC/MSD, GC/MS/MS, Příprava vzorků, GC/QQQ
IndustriesŽivotní prostředí
Key wordsµdrop, bruker, water, hch, eqs, endosulfan, intensity, ppt, working, heptachlor, benzo, retention, quality, min, microextraction, evoq, method, fluoranthene, low, compounds, river, each, microdroplets, extraction, mrl, concentration, study, blank, time, epoxide, area, svocs, signal, inland, surface, set, substances, mdl, matrices, calibration, cibutryn, prepared, standards, aldrin, chlorphenvinfos, slope, criteria, sample, linearity, pyrene
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