USEPA Method 8260C using the Tekmar Atomx Automated VOC Sample Prep System and a Thermo Focus/DSQ™ II GCMS
Aplikace | 2010 | Teledyne LABSInstrumentation
GC/MSD, Purge and Trap, GC/SQ
IndustriesŽivotní prostředí
ManufacturerThermo Fisher Scientific, Teledyne LABS
Key wordstemp, purge, bake, rinse, desorb, sweep, condensate, dsq, soil, time, water, flow, needle, prepurge, mdl, methanol, acetate, spike, sparge, tert, dry, calibration, preheat, ether, focus, volume, thermo, vessel, rsd, atomx, sample, heater, methyl, butyl, variable, butylbenzene, level, ready, mix, drain, off, start, valve, presweep, rinses, chloride, ethyl, value, amyl, glass
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