Blood Alcohol Determination using Static Headspace Analysis with Optimized Sample Throughput
Aplikace | | ZOEX/JSBInstrumentation
GC, HeadSpace
IndustriesForenzní analýza a toxikologie
ManufacturerAgilent Technologies, EST Analytical
Key wordsethanol, propanol, acetaldehyde, butanol, syringe, isopropanol, jsb, needle, agitation, acetone, wait, alcohol, depth, delay, headspace, filename, sample, static, input, rsd, fill, methanol, throughput, speed, est, injection, fid, continue, flex, autosampler, carryover, yes, blood, agitate, ready, jurek, conflict, incubate, volume, anne, rate, off, start, sampling, eindhoven, split, zoex, incubated, authorised, curve
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