A Novel Extraction Technique for Aqueous Samples: Stir Bar Sorptive Extraction
| 2000 | GERSTELInstrumentation
GC/MSD, Termální desorpce, GC/SQ
IndustriesŽivotní prostředí
ManufacturerAgilent Technologies, GERSTEL
Key wordssolutes, extraction, gerstel, stir, desorbed, pdms, baltussen, coated, erik, miniaturisation, hoffmann, jacket, sandra, andreas, abundance, rods, compounds, polydimethylsiloxane, pat, frank, sorptive, bars, david, ied, tif, fic, llp, pudong, district, sys, awarded, brasil, technique, pursuit, organic, fragrance, partitioning, sustainability, equilibrium, incorporated, silicone, analysed, enrichment, liquid, recently, switzerland, time, sorbent, worldwide, bar
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