Identification of Furan Fatty Acids in Nutritional Oils and Fats by Multidimensional GC-MSD
Applications | 1994 | GERSTELInstrumentation
IndustriesFood & Agriculture
ManufacturerAgilent Technologies, GERSTEL
Key wordsacids, gerstel, abundance, msd, furan, fats, multidimensional, min, oils, cut, thistle, fatty, ooh, germany, walnut, hoffmann, andreas, sesame, column, sunflower, peanut, time, grape, subtraction, seed, ied, tif, fic, times, llp, pudong, district, corn, nutritional, sys, awarded, brasil, pursuit, fames, sustainability, identification, covered, heart, single, choosing, minor, focusing, switzerland, worldwide, concentrated
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