Identification of Furan Fatty Acids as Minor Components of Human Lipids by Multidimensional GC-MSD
Aplikace | 1994 | GERSTELInstrumentation
IndustriesKlinická analýza
ManufacturerAgilent Technologies, GERSTEL
Key wordsfuran, abundance, fatty, acids, multidimensional, msd, transesterification, gerstel, platelets, minor, pentyl, blood, propyl, tetrasubstituted, human, milk, later, lipids, esters, time, serum, belonged, cut, cells, ooh, side, chain, red, cryotrap, germany, hoffmann, were, andreas, methyl, component, pre, further, cuts, found, ied, tif, fic, llp, pudong, times, district, sys, awarded, brasil, precolumn
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