Automated Sample Fractionation and Analysis Using a Modular LC-GC System
Aplikace | 1999 | GERSTELInstrumentation
IndustriesPotraviny a zemědělství, Průmysl a chemie
ManufacturerAgilent Technologies, GERSTEL
Key wordsgerstel, cgc, mau, reservoir, emision, mixtrures, solvent, fractionation, time, splitflow, head, dibenzothiophenes, sampler, hoffmann, septumless, sandra, masked, andreas, volatile, chlorpyriphos, dibenzothiophene, split, eventually, pat, frank, combination, detection, chromatography, david, solutes, ied, tif, fic, complex, llp, pudong, district, sys, large, awarded, brasil, spectroscopic, evaporate, pursuit, analysis, ethion, sustainability, mostly, modular, amenable
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