Confirmation and Quantitation of Polybrominated Biphenyls (PBBs) and Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDEs) by MS/MS
Applications | 2007 | Thermo Fisher ScientificInstrumentation
ManufacturerThermo Fisher Scientific
Key wordspolybrominated, diphenyl, pond, heptabromobiphenyl, ether, ptv, excitation, biphenyls, pbdes, pbbs, bromokal, pentabromo, technical, ions, hexabromo, ratio, polarisq, mixtures, component, theoretical, retardants, ethers, amu, ion, precursor, trap, same, decabromobiphenyl, octabromobiphenyl, studied, tetrabromo, voltage, voted, water, tetrabromodiphenyl, ramp, were, increased, pentabromodiphenyl, approximately, greatly, hexabromobiphenyl, obscures, technique, max, flame, scientific, all, matrix, decabromodiphenyl
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