The journal Kvasny Prumysl (ISSN 2570-8619 (Online)), is a peer-reviewed open access journal published by Research Institute of Brewing and Malting, Plc., in Prague.**
The journal presents original scientific papers in various fields within food fermentations science and technology. The topics encompass the full spectrum of agricultural research, chemistry, biochemistry, mikrobiology and analytics.
Starting 2019, new editorial system was launched on where you can registrate and submitt your manuscript.
Kvasný průmysl is indexed in the databases:
Kvasný průmysl publishes high-quality papers by respected authors as well as interesting research results published by young researchers or by postdoctoral fellows from partner universities – Mendel University in Brno and University of Chemistry and Technology Prague - and others. Special support for young researchers is open in the form of the pre-review of intended submission.
Authors may contact the Editor-in-Chief on the requirements.