Bohumil Kolář: Artificial intelligence opens up new job opportunities
Bohumil Kolář applies artificial intelligence in places where ordinary people can hardly imagine it.
We, 22.1.2025
Article | Scientists
Bridging the world of science and everyday life
“Be a sponge – keep absorbing information from a broad perspective,” says professor Albert Heck from Utrecht University.
Fr, 25.8.2023
Forum: magazín Univerzity Karlovy
Article | Popularization
Czech Museum of Mass Spectrometry
A unique technical museum dedicated to one of the essential technologies for the characterization of molecules. Explore the fantastic world of mass spectrometers!
Th, 9.2.2023
Ústav organické chemie a biochemie AV ČR
Article | Popularization
The Czech Museum of Mass Spectrometry
A technical museum focused on unique and significant part of science - Mass Spectrometry.