GC and GCMS webinars - Week 3
LabRulez: GC and GCMS webinars - Week 3
In the week from January 18, 2021, the following webinars await you in the field of GC and GCMS. More details and registration can be found in the WEBINARS section.:
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1. Shimadzu Scientific Instruments/Frontier Laboratories: Pyrolysis: Expanding the Characterization Options of GC and GCMS
During this webinar, we will look at why pyrolysis is important and the different areas of use, discuss method mapping using a pyrolyzer and finally how it can be used for day to day material characterization.
2. Agilent Technologies: Using the Agilent Deans Switch and Capillary Flow Technology Splitters for Analysis of Complex Matrices
This webinar focuses on developing a functional understanding of the Deans switch and capillary flow splitters. The presentation will discuss different chromatographic applications and chromatograms.
3. GERSTEL: Automation: The next critical tool for scientists’ survival during the pandemic and during recovery.
This seminar, we will discuss how GERSTEL helps its customers automate their sample preparation and sample introduction methods in order increase throughput and free up resources when they are needed.
4. Shimadzu Scientific Instruments: A systematic analysis of commercial e-liquids: The evolution of GRAS to Inhaled Toxins
Electronic cigarettes (e-cigs) were originally developed as an alternate method for nicotine delivery, and the e-liquids consist of a range of humectant formulations, pharmacologically active ingredients, flavoring chemicals, volatiles, preservative chemicals, and other “enhancing” chemicals.
The chemical composition of e-liquids has been evaluated since 2015, to include humectant formulations, pharmacologically active ingredients, flavoring chemicals, volatiles, preservative chemicals, and other “enhancements”, using TOF MS, HS-GC-FID, GC-MS, and LC-MS/MS.