5 things to watch out for with GC
Watrex: 5 things to watch out for with GC
Our gas chromatography specialist brings you today 5 tips on what to watch out for in gas chromatography:
#1 The carrier gas must be of hight purity. Even a small concentration of impurities can react undesirably with the sample or the column. In practice, this will be manifested, for example, by the appearance of false peaks, reduced sensitivity or an increase in detector noise. In extreme cases, irreversible damage to the device may occur.
Watrex - #1 The carrier gas must be of hight purity
#2 Use a quality two-stage reduction valve with a metal diaphragm. Inexpensive reducing valves are usually equipped with a rubber membrane through which oxygen and other impurities from the environment can diffuse. This dramatically reduces the quality of the carrier gas.
Watrex: #2 Use a quality two-stage reduction valve with a metal diaphragm
#3 It is necessary to ensure the tightness and cleanliness of the injection port.
Watrex: #3 It is necessary to ensure the tightness and cleanliness of the injection port
#4 Especially at higher temperatures, irreversible degeneration occurs in a number of columns, which can be exacerbated by the presence of oxygen and water. Therefore, the column needs to be under a constant flow of clean carrier gas.
Watrex: #4 The column needs to be under a constant flow of clean carrier gas
#5 Most detectors contain parts heated to a high temperature. If they come into contact with oxygen under these conditions, oxidation of their surface occurs, which can lead to their damage or permanent change in properties. Therefore, it is necessary for the detectors to be constantly flushed with clean operating gases during operation.
Watrex: #5 It is necessary for the detectors to be constantly flushed with clean operating gases during operation