Webinars LabRulezGCMS Week 20/2023
LabRulez: Webinars LabRulezGCMS Week 20/2023
In the week from May 15, the following webinars await you in the field of gas / solid phase and especially Raman, FTIR, GC and GC/MS.
👉 Search and filter in almost 2 500 GC, LC and MS webinars.
1. SelectScience/Agilent Technologies: GC carrier gas: Top ten ways to save helium
- Tu, 16.5.2023
- Registration
We will present 10 tools and accessories that Agilent provides to help GC operators and lab managers more easily conserve helium or move to an alternate carrier gas for gas chromatography.
2. Separation Science/Thermo Fisher Scientific: Enhancing the scientific experience using laboratory software
- We, 17.5.2023
- Registration
Novel ways to interact with LIMS. Delivering knowledge from data. Automation solutions. Intuitive workflows.
3. SelectScience/Restek Corporation: An ounce of prevention: How good laboratory practice minimizes GC downtime
- We, 17.5.2023
- Registration
We will cover three critical GC maintenance topics: reducing contamination, best practices for replacing parts, and key steps to optimize your applications.
4. Agilent Technologies: Analysis of Permanent Gases: More Challenging Than You Might Think
- We, 17.5.2023
- Registration
We will discuss typical techniques for resolving and detecting permanent gases, including carbon dioxide and hydrogen.
5. SelectScience/Phenomenex: Method development for solid phase extraction with steroid analytes
- We, 17.5.2023
- Registration
We will explain the foundation of SPE and offer method development insight to a frequently tested clinical application.
6. Waters Corporation: Continued movement towards tandem quadrupole mass spectrometry as replacement for traditional high-resolution magnetic sector instruments for POPs analyses
- We, 17.5.2023
- Registration
The assembled experts have well in excess of 100 years of combined experience with dioxins, furans, PCB’s, pesticides and related compound analysis.
7. Agilent Technologies: 3rd Annual Alcoholic Beverages Virtual Symposium - Beer
- We, 17.5.2023
- Registration
Evolution of malt, hop and fermentation-derived flavor compounds throughout the brewing of a single malt, single hop (SMaSH) Ale. Beer Soluble Hop Compounds: Translating Raw Hop Aroma to Finished Beer
8. C&EN/Agilent Technologies: Optimizing Optics Using Advanced Spectrophotometry
- Th, 18.5.2023
- Registration
This webinar will guide you on the best practices, tools, and techniques needed to get the most reliable, verifiable insights into your optical components.
9. Agilent Technologies: A discussion on the Theory of FTIR
- Fr, 19.5.2023
- Registration
This session will focus on the theory of Infrared and will discuss some modern infrared analytical techniques.