GC and GCMS webinars - February 2021

LabRulez: GC and GCMS webinars - February 2021
In Ferbruary 2021, so far the following webinars await you in the field of GC and GCMS. More details and registration can be found in the WEBINARS section.:
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1. Agilent Technologies: Accelerated PAH screening using Intuvo GC with MS Detection
In this webinar, by applying direct heating technology of the Intuvo GC a screening method has been developed, offering an extraordinary injection to injection time of 9 minutes.
2. C&EN/Agilent Technologies: Agilent OpenLab Remote Access Solutions to increase productivity
This webinar introduces using "Thin Client" technology which enables all Masshunter, ChemStation or OpenLab CDS to be accessed outside the lab, whether this is at from nearby desks, across sites, or from home.
3. Agilent Technologies: The Intuvo Trifecta: One Instrument, Three Analyses- Pesticides, Residual Solvents, and Terpenes
This presentation will examine the evolution of Agilent’s cannabis testing workflows culminating in the Intuvo Trifecta methodologies that have shifted the paradigm of cannabis testing in the gas-phase.
4. C&EN/Eurofins: A Scientific Journey of a Niche API Achieving Breakthrough Status by the FDA for a Lifesaving Drug for Infants
A case study illustrating how to overcome technical challenges of an orphan drug that received FDA breakthrough status, while ensuring fast-track development milestones and stringent timelines.
5. Agilent Technologies: How to Get the Most Out Of Your Agilent GC Autosampler
In this Webinar we will elucidate how to get the most value from your Agilent 7693 and 7650 autosamplers. Topics will include maintainance or how to implement enhanced autosampler tools and features.
6. Shimadzu Scientific Instruments: Authentication of Essential Oils through Chiral GCMS
In this webinar we will talk about Chiral GCMS technique whis is one of the most useful and practical applications for the authentication of essential oils.
7. Agilent Technologies: Return to (and Keep!) Peak Performance for GC and GC/MS
This webinar will open the door to the secrets of mastering the signs of a dirty liner, “dead” or dirty column, and dirty MS source from everyday chromatograms, data and tune reports.
8. Agilent Technologies: Connecting Performance Improvement to Increased Production in GC/MS Analytical Workflows
Separation Science, in collaboration with Agilent, will go over some of the Ultra Inert GC columns, liners and supplies that are critical to achieve optimal performance and deliver consistent reliable results.