GC and GCMS webinars - Week 4
LabRulez: GC and GCMS webinars - Week 4
In the week from January 25, 2021, the following webinars await you in the field of GC and GCMS. More details and registration can be found in the WEBINARS section.:
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1. Agilent Technologies: A comprehensive update on new Smart, Connected Gas Chromatography (GC) and GC/MS portfolio - Agilent Smart GC Portfolio - Session one
We are delighted to invite you to two webinars discussing Agilent’s GC & GC/MS portfolio, capabilities, solutions and workflows.
In Session one we will cover: Agilent 8860 GC, Agilent 8890 GC, Agilent 990 Micro GC, Agilent Intuvo 9000 GC, Smart GC.
2. Agilent Technologies: A comprehensive update on new Smart, Connected Gas Chromatography (GC) and GC/MS portfolio - Agilent GCMSD Portfolio - Session two
We are delighted to invite you to two webinars discussing Agilent’s GC & GC/MS portfolio, capabilities, solutions and workflows.
In Session one we will cover: Agilent 5977B GC/MSD, Agilent 7000 Series GC/MS/MS, Agilent 7250 GC/Q-TOF MS, Agilent Jetclean self-cleaning ion source, Agilent Capillary Flow Technology (CFT), Agilent Retention Time Locking (RTL).
3. Agilent Technologies: Stop the Bleed! Tips and Tricks on GC Column Bleed
Join us in this webinar as we distinguish between abnormal and normal bleed of chromatographic column as well share some tips and tricks to control your column bleed.