Easy Analysis of Hundreds of Pesticides in Complex Matrices with 7250 GCQTOF

Quality of Pesticides analysis is critical to ensure food safety.
The classical workflow for pesticides uses QQQ for a suspect screening based on a specific list of compounds, during this webinar we will present a new workflow for a comprehensive pesticides screening.
This comprehensive approach combined targeted and untargeted methods using a high-resolution accurate mass Agilent 7250 GC/Q-TOF and the GC/Q-TOF accurate mass library of pesticides and environmental contaminants.
Thanks to the 7250 QTOF you will have more confident results in the most difficult matrix than when using a QQQ and for a nearly “unlimited” number of pesticides: only the size of your library is your limit. During this webinar we will also demonstrate how our screening tools and our high-resolution pesticide database simplifies the review of data whilst maximizing its value, to allow labs to quantitate priority targets and reliably screen for many more suspects. And finally, we will see how the structural elucidation capacity of the QTOF can also be used for identification of true unknown compounds.
By attending this webinar you will understand why a new workflow based on the Agilent 7250 QTOF and a high resolution pesticide database can be beneficial for your laboratory.
- During this webinar we will present a new workflow for a comprehensive pesticides screening.
- We will also demonstrate how our screening tools and our high-resolution pesticide database simplifies the review of data whilst maximizing its value, to allow labs to quantitate priority targets and reliably screen for many more suspects.
- Discuss how the structural elucidation capacity of the QTOF can also be used for identification of true unknown compounds.
Presenter: Laurent Pascaud (Product Specialist GC & GC/MS, Agilent)
After 10 years of experience within the French Anti-Doping Agency, Laurent Pascaud joined Agilent Technologies in 2007.
He now has over 15 years of analytical development expertise, first as an applications engineer and then as a GC and GCMS product specialist in various chemical markets.