Soil Gas and Vapor Intrusion Sampling
The air space between soil particles can be filled with a variety of gasses. Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from contaminated soil or groundwater can diffuse into the soil gas.
Unlike in the atmosphere, soil gas cannot quickly diffuse out, resulting in potentially higher VOC concentrations than in ambient air. Further, groundwater flow can spread soil gas contamination over a large area, and soil gas migration can lead to vapor intrusion into buildings, exposing occupants to VOCs and related health hazards.
This webinar will provide an overview of soil gas collection and analysis, including sampling techniques (e.g., canisters and thermal desorption tubes) and vapor intrusion testing basic strategies.
These topics will be presented on:
Learn about soil gas and vapor intrusion monitoring.
Understand the different techniques used for analysis.
Learn how to collect and analyze these types of samples.