Is it time to consider an alternative GC carrier gas?
In the world of GC, helium is the long standing “go to” carrier gas for most GC applications, but the variable price and uncertain supply over recent years is driving laboratories to consider alternatives such as hydrogen.
But when transitioning to hydrogen carrier gas what is the impact on method performance and what about the safety concerns? In this webinar, our GC&GC-MS experts Daniela Cavagnino and Adam Ladak will answer these questions, including how your helium consumption can be significantly reduced if moving to hydrogen is just not an option. This webinar is your opportunity to get real world solutions to this challenge and to learn more.
We want to hear from you - Please send us your questions in advance during registration or anytime via email to [email protected]. This will allow the team to group incoming questions under common topics.
You will also be able to submit questions during the live session, through the Q&A chat function. If we don’t get to your question during the webinar, we will reach out to you afterwards. We look forward to some great engagement and to enable you to be fully up to speed with regards carrier gas alternatives.
Presenter: Daniela Cavagnino (Product Marketing Manager GC&GC-MS, Thermo Fisher Scientific)
Presenter: Adam Ladak (Global Product Marketing Manager GC Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry, Thermo Fisher Scientific)