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Products from category Software and libraries focused on GC/MSD | LabRulez GCMS

Wiley FAMES: Fatty Acid Methyl Ester Mass Spectral Library
The "FAMEs Fatty Acid Methyl Esters: Mass Spectral Database" contains over 240 spectra and structures of fatty acid methyl esters, including their Linear Retention Index and calculated Kovats Retention Index registered using an alkane mixture on an apolar column and using also a FAMEs and FAEEs (fatty acid ethyl esters) mixture on a polar column.

Wiley Mass Spectra of Physiologically Active Substances 2011
This fast and reliable spectral library helps researchers overcome the analytical challenge for identification of steroids in body fluids. Most spectra have been obtained on the same mass spectrometer under identical conditions. The data records include chemical name, chemical structure, molecular formula, and synonyms.

Wiley Mass Spectra of Volatiles in Food, 2nd Edition
The "Mass Spectra of Volatile Compounds in Food" collection includes 1,620 reference mass spectra and covers the whole range of volatile compounds in food. Created by the Central Institute of Nutrition and Food Research, the database also features derivatives of non-volatile compounds, such as sugars or polyhydroxyphenols.

Wiley Registry of Mass Spectral Data 2023
The 2023 release of this vital MS database provides access to over 873,000 spectra with expanded coverage to expedite your workflow even further. Designed for use across multiple applications, from untargeted GC-MS screening to accurate mass workflows with MS-TOF instruments, this comprehensive collection helps to ensure confidence in your lab's spectral search results, even in the most demanding applications.

Wiley Pesticides Mass Spectral Library With LRI, 2nd Edition
The "Mass Spectra of Pesticides with Retention Indices, 2nd Edition" contains 1,300 pesticide molecules sorted in 20 different classes. The GC-MS-based pesticides library provides significant support for peak assignment in complex mixtures.

Mestrelab Mnova Gears – Chrom Best Method software
Chrom Best Method is a vendor agnostic tool that can seamlessly screen and compare several chromatographic methods, then suggest the one that is more likely to yield a pure compound.

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