Analysis of alkyl mercaptans
Aplikace | 2017 | Trajan ScientificInstrumentation
GC, GC kolony, Spotřební materiál
IndustriesManufacturerTrajan Scientific
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Analysis of volatile chlorinated hydrocarbons
2017|Trajan Scientific|Aplikace
APPLICATION NOTE Analysis of volatile chlorinated hydrocarbons BP BOND Q Column part number 0570235 Phase BP BOND Q Detector FID, 250°C Column 25 m x 0.32 mm x 5 μm Carrier gas He Sample Volatile chlorinated hydrocarbons 100 ppm each…
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Analysis of Sulphur Compounds in Various Liquefied Petroleum Gases
|SCION Instruments|Aplikace
B E Y O N D M E A S U R E Analysis of Sulphur Compounds in Various Liquefied Petroleum Gases Application Note INTRODUCTION Table 1. Analytical parameters The low-level analysis of sulphur containing components such as Hydrogen Sulphide…
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Analysis of argon, oxygen and nitrogen
2018|Trajan Scientific|Aplikace
APPLICATION NOTE Analysis of argon, oxygen and nitrogen BP BOND Molsieve 5A Column part number 0572233 Phase BP BOND Molsieve 5A Final temperature 150°C Column 25 m x 0.32 mm x 30 μm Detector DBD, 150°C Sample Argon, oxygen and…
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Bulletin 722P Analyses of Sulfur Gases at Trace and Low Percent Levels, Using Packed Column GC This bulletin describes the relative advantages, and some limitations, of six gas chromatography packings developed specifically for separating hydrogen sulfide, sulfur dioxide, carbonyl sulfide,…
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mercaptan, mercaptansulfide, sulfidesulfur, sulfurfpd, fpdcos, cosethyl, ethylgases, gasesmethyl, methylsupelpak, supelpakpropyl, propylsupelco, supelcokraft, kraftmin, mindimethyl, dimethylbutyl