Determination of Sulfur Compounds in Air by Online TD-GC/FPD
Aplikace | 2017 | PerkinElmerInstrumentation
GC, Termální desorpce
IndustriesŽivotní prostředí
Key wordssulfide, dimethyl, disulfide, methanethiol, methylthioethane, ethanethiol, fpd, carbon, thiophene, sulfur, air, temp, diethyl, trap, compounds, name, ppb, adsorbed, plumbing, concentrator, ddisulfide, odorific, dalian, urbanization, adsorption, oven, hold, line, online, olfactometry, were, thiol, compound, continual, clean, desorber, attenuation, turbomatrix, method, pmt, lighter, sulphur, split, pki, graphitized, possess, heavier, entrance, study, shortened
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