Using Gas Chromatography – Tandem Mass Spectrometry to Improve the Reliability and Accuracy of Organic Acid Analyses in Urine
Applications | 2010 | BrukerInstrumentation
Key wordsoxoglutaric, urine, hydroxy, acid, oxoisovaleric, homogentisic, suberic, isocaproic, undecanoic, methylmalonic, malonic, arabinose, isovaleric, acids, organic, combi, disorders, pal, ctc, hydroxyisocaproic, bruker, temperature, experimentals, acidurias, reliability, edr, newborn, metabolites, tandem, excreted, clockwise, fifteen, abnormal, daltonik, autosampler, genetic, gas, daltonics, bremen, multiplier, rigorous, reserves, matrix, continually, accumulation, pathways, spectrometry, manifold, endogenous, elimination
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