Fully automated sample preparation and analysis of NDMA in potable water using GC-QqQ
Applications | 2013 | AnatuneInstrumentation
GC/MSD, GC/MS/MS, Sample Preparation, GC/QQQ
ManufacturerAgilent Technologies, GERSTEL, Anatune
Key wordsndma, water, wide, dwi, recovery, absolute, chromasolv, river, drinking, fragmentation, tap, automated, background, were, res, lined, disinfection, nitrosamines, ion, precursor, fully, analysed, method, extracted, std, completed, qmx, work, assessed, defra, inspectorate, intercomparison, concentrations, operated, assess, recoveries, during, affairs, chloramination, iarc, prioritization, rural, electron, determining, funded, fulfil, shortly, samples, grade, inorganics
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