2-Step Multi-Volatile Method (2-Step MVM) for Characterization of Aroma Compounds in Bread
Applications | 2016 | GERSTELInstrumentation
GC/MSD, HeadSpace, GC/SQ
IndustriesFood & Agriculture
ManufacturerAgilent Technologies, GERSTEL
Key wordsbutter, crust, shortening, carbopack, aroma, interior, bread, dhs, heated, mvm, vapor, gerstel, compounds, sweet, hydrophilic, non, burnt, phenethyl, decalactone, retention, maltol, made, ethanol, min, tenax, butanol, uniform, volatile, performed, roasty, sugar, sampling, delta, iso, different, time, synergies, recovery, shincarbon, fatty, desorption, alcohol, pyrrole, fet, same, pressure, butanal, carbotrap, samples, propanal
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Comparison between the MVM (Multi-Volatile Method), single DHS extraction and SPME (Solid Phase Micro Extraction) for extraction of volatiles in Whisky
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Use of automated sample preparation techniques for challenging sample by GC-MS
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