Structural Elucidation of an Unknown Compound in the Fatty Acid Methyl Esters (FAMEs) Extract of Avocado Using APGC-HRMS
Aplikace | 2017 | WatersInstrumentation
IndustriesPotraviny a zemědělství
ManufacturerAgilent Technologies, Waters
Key wordsavocado, fames, elucidation, unknown, structural, methyl, esters, fatty, unifi, extract, acid, apgc, compound, note, known, application, palmitoleate, parent, identification, mass, chemspider, accurate, unexpected, unknowns, uknown, hrms, lineoleate, molecular, atmospheric, selecting, derivitized, initialized, lipid, elaidate, scientific, phillips, chain, fragmentation, abstraction, interrogating, search, preferential, tropical, melissa, toolset, protons, major, resulting, library, list
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