Routine Analysis of Cannabis for Pesticides and Mycotoxins using UPLC-MS/MS and GC-MS/MS
Posters | 2018 | WatersInstrumentation
IndustriesFood & Agriculture
ManufacturerAgilent Technologies, Waters
Key wordspesticides, mycotoxins, uplc, min, pcnb, dspe, cannabis, quanpedia, pesticide, california, method, spinetoram, xevo, analysis, fenhexamid, dimethomorph, residue, coumaphos, mevinphos, bifenthrin, procesing, combination, complexity, cleanup, matrix, micro, residues, tandem, thpi, list, chlorpyriphos, significantly, reduced, recreational, mrm, multi, lengthy, ochratoxin, testing, time, flower, subset, increased, captan, quadrupole, expanding, legal, were, extraction, assistance
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