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Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in food

Guides | 2017 | Thermo Fisher ScientificInstrumentation
GC/MSD, GC/MS/MS, GC/HRMS, Sample Preparation, GC/QQQ, GC/Orbitrap, LC/HRMS, LC/MS, LC/MS/MS, LC/Orbitrap, LC/QQQ, ICP/MS, Speciation analysis
Food & Agriculture
Thermo Fisher Scientific
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Table of Contents Persistent Organic Pollutants 1. POPs: What are POPs and why do we need to talk about them? 2. Introduction of classified POPs 3. Regulations and analytical methods 4. Future trends and recommendations Notable links Persistent Organic Pollutants…
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CUSTOMER APPLICATION NOTE Fabrizio Galbiati1, Sara Panseri2, Giuseppe Labella2, Annamaria Giorgi2, Radmila Pavlovic2, Sonia Bonacci2, Francesco Arioli2, Luca Chiesa2; 1 Thermo Fisher Scientific (Schweiz) AG, Reinach, Switzerland; 2University of Milan, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Milan, Italy Keywords: Pressurized fluid extraction,…
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honey, honeytrentino, trentinoextraction, extractionheptachlor, heptachlorpesticides, pesticidesendosulfan, endosulfanase, asehch, hchaccelerated, acceleratedcalabria, calabriaalto, altofrom, frompcbs, pcbsfish, fishitaly
|GL Sciences|Applications
CUSTOMER APPLICATION NOTE Fabrizio Galbiati1, Sara Panseri2, Giuseppe Labella2, Annamaria Giorgi2, Radmila Pavlovic2, Sonia Bonacci2, Francesco Arioli2, Luca Chiesa2; 1 Thermo Fisher Scientific (Schweiz) AG, Reinach, Switzerland; 2University of Milan, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Milan, Italy Keywords: Pressurized fluid extraction,…
Key words
honey, honeytrentino, trentinoextraction, extractionheptachlor, heptachlorpesticides, pesticidesendosulfan, endosulfanase, asehch, hchaccelerated, acceleratedcalabria, calabriaalto, altofrom, frompcbs, pcbsfish, fishitaly
CUSTOMER APPLICATION NOTE Fabrizio Galbiati1, Sara Panseri2, Giuseppe Labella2, Annamaria Giorgi2, Radmila Pavlovic2, Sonia Bonacci2, Francesco Arioli2, Luca Chiesa2; 1 Thermo Fisher Scientific (Schweiz) AG, Reinach, Switzerland; 2University of Milan, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Milan, Italy Keywords: Pressurized fluid extraction,…
Key words
honey, honeytrentino, trentinoextraction, extractionheptachlor, heptachlorpesticides, pesticidesendosulfan, endosulfanase, asehch, hchaccelerated, acceleratedcalabria, calabriaalto, altofrom, frompcbs, pcbsfish, fishitaly
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