ISSS 2024: 28th International Symposium on Separation Sciences

General Information
ISSS 2024 is focused on fundamental and practical aspects of separation and detection methods as well as hyphenated, multidimensional and miniaturised separation techniques applied for analytical, preparative and industrial purposes, including new horizons and challenges in separation sciences.
Abstract submission ORAL / POSTER - July 05 / 19, 2024
Abstract acceptance - July 19, 2024
Early bird registration END - July 05, 2024
Regular registration END - July 31, 2024
Preliminary Programme - September 01, 2024
Symposium OPENING - September 22, 2024
- Gas chromatography
- Liquid Chromatography
- Thin-layer chromatography
- lon chromatography
- Supercritical fluid chromatography
- Capillary electrophoresis
- Electromigration techniques
- Hyphenated techniques
- Multidimensional separations
- Miniaturised separation techniques
- Sample pre paration techniques
- Environmental analysis
- Food analysis
- Pharmaceutical analysis
- Clinical analysis
- Forensic analysis
- Natural product analysis
- Industrial analysis
- Chemometrics
- Others
Scientific programme:
Plenary & Keynote lectures; Oral, Flash & Poster presentations. Symposium language is English.
Symposium chair:
Luigi Mondello (University of Messina, Chemical, Biological, Pharmaceutical and Environmental Sciences Department – Messina, Italy)
Danilo Corradini (CNR, Institute for Biological Systems, Montelibretti, Rome, Italy)
Invited speakers
Prof. Günther K Bonn (Austrian Drug Screening Institute GmbH)
- Title: Separation Sciences - the key in Phytochemistry
Prof. Boguslaw Buszewski (Jan Czochralski Kuyavian-Pomeranian Research & Development Centre)
- Title: Electromigration and spectral techniques in the determination of microbiomes
Prof. Petr Česla (University of Pardubice)
- Title: The role of HILIC in uni- and two-dimensional separations of pharmaceuticals, supplements and low-molecular metabolites
Prof. Bezhan Chankvetadze (Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University)
- Title: Recent developments in enantioselective liquid-phase separations
Prof. Virginia Coman (Babes-Bolyai University)
- Title: Wastewater-based epidemiology to assess beta-blocker consumption in urban populations
Dr. Pierluigi Delmonte (Center for food Safety and Applied Nutrition, Food and Drugs Administration)
- Title: Assessment of purity of avocado oil sold in the US marketplace
Prof. Desmet Gert (Vrije Universiteit)
- Title: On the Performance of a New Generation Micro-Pillar Array Columns
Dr. Modest Gertsiuk (National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine)
- Title: Composition of pyrolysis products of car tire waste used as liquid fuel
Prof. Róbert Góra (Comenius University in Bratislava)
- Title: Characterization of natural biomacromolecules by methods of liquid chromatography
Dr. Miguel Herrero (Instituto de investigación en Ciencias de la Alimentación, CIAL)
- Title: will be announced soon
Prof. Gérard Hopfgartner (University of Geneva)
- Title: Separations Sciences coupled to Mass Spectrometry how much Analyte Structural Information can we get from a Single Analysis?
Prof. Khrisztián Horváth (University of Pannonia)
- Title: Application of porous graphitic carbon stationary phases in pharmaceutical analysis
Dr. Václav Kašička (Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry of the Czech Academy of Sciences)
- Title: Investigation of noncovalent (bio)molecular interactions by affinity capillary electrophoresis
Prof. Michael Laemmerhofer (University of Tuebingen)
- Title: Isomer separations in metabolomics and lipidomics
Dr. Imre Molnár (Molnár-Institute for applied chromatography)
- Title: will be announced soon
Prof. Paolo Oliveri (Università di Genova)
- Title: will be announced soon
Prof. Elia Psillakis (Technical University of Crete, Greece)
- Title: Navigating the path to sustainable analytical chemistry
Prof. Erwin Rosenberg (Vienna University of Technology)
- Title: Fast, but not furious: Stepping on the gas pedal in gas chromatography
Prof. Marcela Alves Segundo (University of Porto)
- Title: Going with the Flow: Strategies for Automating Sample Treatment
Prof. Alexios-Leandros Skaltsounis (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens)
- Title: Phytochemical analysis of Olea europaea: a compelling source of health promoting biomolecules
Prof. Dr. Živoslav Tešić (University of Belgrade)
- Title: UHPLC-QTOF-MS investigation of the effect of leaf position on the tree on the photosynthesis of polyphenolic compounds
Dr. Irena Vovk (Slovenia National Institute of Chemistry)
- Title: Challenges in chromatographic analyses of bioactives in plant extracts and food
Registration Fees
Early Bird (until July 05, 2024)
- Full Participant 350 €
- One Day 100 €
- PhD Student 250 €
- Retired Researcher 250 €
- Accompayining person 200 €
Regular (from July 06, 2024)
- Full Participant 400 €
- One Day 110 €
- PhD Student 300 €
- Retired Researcher 300 €
- Accompayining person 250 €
- Full Participant 450 €
- One Day 120 €
- PhD Student 350 €
- Retired Researcher 350 €
- Accompayining person 3000 €
The fee includes
- Access to the entire scientific programme and exhibition hall
- Symposium materials (badge, bag, programme & book of abstracts with ISBN, memory stick; other printed materials)
- Certificate of attendance
- Daily coffee breaks, lunches and access to social events
- One/two presentation(s); oral-poster or two posters
There are transfer services available from Messina Central Station to the hotel and vice versa at a cost of 10 € each way. These must be selected during the registration procedure for ISSS 2024. Whoever selects the transfer service in the registration form will also have to pay that amount together with the registration fee.
Submission of abstracts
You are invited to submit original contributions for oral, poster and flash oral presentations related to the topics above. The use of an abstract template (maximum 1 page A4 total for one submission) is mandatory. Correspondence regarding the abstracts will only be sent to the corresponding author. It is their responsibility to forward the information to all co-authors. Every effort will be made to accommodate the author’s preference for oral presentation, poster or flash oral presentation, but the organizers reserve the right to make the final decision. At least one of the authors must register to the congress, otherwise the abstract will not be considered by the Scientific Committee. One registered participant may submit two abstracts.
Preference of presentation:
- Oral presentation
- Poster presentation
- Flash oral presentation (PhD students and young scientists under the age of 35)
International Scientific Committee
- Tomislav BOLANČA*, Croatia
- Bogusław BUSZEWSKI*, Poland
- Günther K. BONN, Austria
- Petr ČESLA*, Czech Republic
- Bezhan CHANKVETADZE, Georgia
- Virginia COMAN*, Romania
- Danilo CORRADINI* (Chair), Italy
- Modest GERTSIUK*, Ukraine
- Róbert GÓRA*, Slovak Republic
- Krisztián HORVÁTH*, Hungary
- Luigi MONDELLO (Chair), Italy
- Paolo OLIVERI, Italy
- Erwin ROSENBERG*, Austria
- Alexios-Leandros SKALTSOUNIS, Greece
- Živoslav TESIČ*, Serbia
- Irena VOVK*, Slovenia
- Mariosimone ZOCCALI, Italy
*permanent member CEGSS
Organizing Committee
- Mondello Luigi (chair)
- Corradini Danilo (chair)
- Filippo Alibrando
- Katia Arena
- Ivana Bonaccorsi
- Francesco Cacciola
- Paola Donato
- Danilo Donnarumma
- Paola Dugo
- Domenica Mangraviti
- Giuseppe Micalizzi
- Francesca Rigano
- Marina Russo
- Tania Mariagrazia Salerno
- Antonella Satira
- Danilo Sciarrone
- Peter Tranchida
- Alessia Tropea
- Emanuela Trovato
- Mariosimone Zoccali
Messina Institute of Technology: ISSS 2024: 28th International Symposium on Separation Sciences.