2024 AOAC INTERNATIONAL Annual Meeting & Exposition
The AOAC INTERNATIONAL Annual Meeting: A Unique Analytical Science Opportunity
The 2024 AOAC INTERNATIONAL Annual Meeting & Exposition will be held from August 23 to 28, 2024, at the Marriott Baltimore Waterfront in Baltimore, Maryland, USA.
The AOAC Annual Meeting & Exposition provides unparalleled professional development, networking, and collaboration in methods-based science.
- Businesses: Meet scientific and regulatory experts and engage with new trends and standards.
- Scientists: Build professional expertise and network with your community to share information and best practices.
- Regulators: Leverage unprecedented opportunity for stakeholder collaboration on complex testing and analysis challenges, helping improve compliance and public safety.
- Academia: Engage with colleagues – both students and faculty – at all career and research levels
Keep Pace with Innovation
- Take advantage of emerging methods, best practices, and trending topics like food fraud and cannabis purity and potency.
- Discover new technologies, from DNA authentication to genomic microbial identification.
- Get professional insights from industry insiders through the AOAC Spotlight.
Experience the AOAC Analytical Solutions Forum
This multi-faceted “idea incubator” focuses on regulatory changes and emerging food safety issues. A plenary and two breakout sessions feature thought-provoking ideas to identify and meet analytical needs—before public health emergencies arise.
Registration for the AOAC Annual Meeting at the Marriott Baltimore Waterfront will open in Spring 2024. The Annual Meeting will be in-person only.
Registration Rates
AOAC Member Fees
- Early Bird: $684
- Advanced Reg: $794
- Onsite Reg: $904
Non-Member Fees
- Early Bird: $820
- Advanced Reg: $920
- Onsite Reg: $1,020
Developing Country Fees
- Early Bird: $275
- Advanced Reg: $275
- Onsite Reg: $275
AOAC Student Member Fees
- Early Bird: $160
- Advanced Reg: $160
- Onsite Reg: $160
Student Non-Member Fees
- Early Bird: $215
- Advanced Reg: $215
- Onsite Reg: $215
AOAC Exhibitor Fees
- Early Bird: $684
- Advanced Reg: $794
- Onsite Reg: $904
Members Save on Registration
AOAC Members save on meeting registration fees! If you are not already an AOAC Member, learn more about the benefits of being a member.
Developing Country Registration
Individuals whose primary legal country of residence is included in the List of Developing Countries in the World Development Report published by the World Bank. Countries listed in the Lower to Upper Middle-Income categories are considered developing countries and qualify for the rate.
Letter of Invitation
If you require an AOAC Annual Meeting Invitation Letter for Visa purposes, please contact Lauren Chelf.
Call for Scientific Sessions
The AOAC INTERNATIONAL Technical Programming Council (TPC) invites AOAC members and other interested individuals to submit scientific session proposals to be offered at the 138th Annual Meeting & Exposition in Baltimore, Maryland, USA, August 23 – 28, 2024.
The Call for Scientific Sessions deadline is Wednesday, March 13, 2024, 2:00 PM ET.
A scientific session is a symposium, a roundtable, or a workshop. All scientific sessions at the 2024 Annual Meeting will be 90 minutes in length. All scientific sessions will be in-person and will NOT be recorded.
Developing Your Scientific Session Proposal
The TPC is seeking sessions that cover a variety of timely analytical science and food safety topics, particularly emerging issues that pose a significant challenge for our stakeholder communities. AOAC’s Analytical Solutions Forum, New Initiatives, and Integrated Science Programs all provide a great starting point when considering topics of interest. The TPC’s goal is to provide a meeting program that balances technical topics with broad scientific ideas and opportunities while also maintaining continuity with AOAC’s current integrated programs.
NEW IN 2024: AOAC is no longer requesting scientific session proposals that include a list of participants.
You will be required to submit the following information through our collection database:
- Session Title
- Brief Session Abstract (no more than 250 words)
- Type of Session:
- A symposium will be assigned individual presentations by the TPC based on separately submitted paper abstracts
- A roundtable will be assigned participants by the TPC based on individuals’ areas of expertise
- A workshop will include only discussion chairs
- Scientific Track(s): Submitters may indicate up to two Scientific Tracks (described below) for the proposed session
- Chair(s) Information (no more than 2 Chairs):
- Chair Name(s)
- Chair email address(es)
- Chair organization name(s)
The individual who submits the proposal will be notified of acceptance/rejection in early April 2024. Once a proposal is accepted, Chairs must pre-register for the Annual Meeting. Because there is only a limited budget for travel funding, most participants are responsible for their registration, travel and lodging expenses.
After the Call for Scientific Sessions closes, the Call for Speakers will open. Individuals can submit papers for consideration to an accepted symposium or to be grouped with similar papers to form a new symposium. The TPC will review all submitted papers (see criteria below) and assign accepted speakers to symposia. Chairs of accepted symposia can recruit speakers by encouraging development and submission of an abstract to the accepted symposium as part of the Call for Speakers.
Also, during the Call for Speakers, individuals may indicate interest in participating in a roundtable by describing their expertise to support the roundtable goals as described in the abstract. The TPC will review the expertise of interested individuals and make assignments to roundtables.
Session Tracks
Though the TPC will consider proposals in a wide range of topic areas, the following areas are of particular interest as related to analytical science and food safety and have been identified as Session Tracks for the 2024 Annual Meeting:
- Agriculture, Environment, & Biostimulants – Novel and/or newly validated chemical methods related to the analysis of environmental and agriculture samples, including biostimulants
- Bioinformatics, Chemometrics, & Data Analytics – Novel approaches for use of advanced pattern recognition and other tools for interpretation of data to ensure food and supplement quality and safety
- Botanicals & Dietary Supplements – Novel and/or newly validated chemical methods or other developments to support potency, safety, or identity of botanicals and dietary supplements
- Chemical Contaminants & Residues – Novel and/or newly validated methods to determine chemical contaminants and residues externally added, naturally present, or produced during processing of foods or supplements
- Food Additives & Colors – Novel and/or newly validated methods to determine food additives or colors
- Food Authenticity & Food Fraud – Novel approaches to determine truthfulness or identity of ingredients and to detect deliberate fraudulent actions on foods or supplements
- Food Nutrition – Novel and/or newly validated methods to determine nutritional content of foods
- Gluten & Food Allergens – Novel and/or newly validated methods to detect gluten and/or food allergens
- Hemp & Cannabis – Novel and/or newly validated chemical methods or other developments to support potency and safety of cannabis and cannabis-containing products, including hemp
- Hot Topic: Novel Foods & Ingredients – New approaches for evaluating quality and safety of novel foods and ingredients
- Hot Topic: Omics – Novel approaches using large-scale study of organisms or molecular groups to ensure food and supplement quality and safety
- Hot Topic: Probiotics – Novel approaches for evaluating quality and safety of probiotics
- Laboratory Management, Compliance, & Accreditation – New approaches and developments in laboratory management, compliance, and accreditation
- Microbiology & Molecular Biology Methods – Novel and/or newly validated microbiological methods for food and the environment, including Performance Tested MethodsSM
- Quality Assurance & Reference Materials – New approaches and developments in quality assurance, including newly released of reference materials or their use to support quality assurance
Submission Criteria
Submissions will be judged based on the following criteria:
- Scientific Novelty
- Importance & Timeliness of Topics to the Field
- Alignment with AOAC Science Programs
- General Interest to Attendees
AOAC INTERNATIONAL scientific sessions are designed to focus on new, updated, and emerging topics of analytical science. Session proposals should not be of a commercial nature. (Exhibitors have opportunities to present sponsored sessions that can focus on proprietary topics.) Excessive use of brand, company, product, logo, or trade names is not permitted, and occurrences of such use may affect participation in future meetings.
No scientific sessions offered by AOAC INTERNATIONAL are to be used for commercial sales or presentations by authors or presenters without authorization from AOAC INTERNATIONAL. The TPC will give preference to submissions that provide educational benefits to a wide array of stakeholders.
To submit a proposal to the AOAC Call for Scientific Sessions, Click Here
The deadline for submission is Wednesday, March 13, 2024, 2:00 PM ET.
Call for Speakers
(More information coming soon.)
The AOAC INTERNATIONAL Technical Programming Council (TPC) invites AOAC members and other interested individuals to submit speaker proposals for the 138th Annual Meeting & Exposition in Baltimore, Maryland, USA, August 23 – 28, 2024. All scientific sessions at the 2024 Annual Meeting will be 90 minutes in length. All scientific sessions will be in-person and will NOT be recorded.
AOAC offers three types of submissions:
- Individuals interested in participating in a roundtable accepted by the TPC
- A paper submitted to a specific symposium accepted by the TPC. If you had a symposium accepted by the TPC and would like to participate as a Speaker in addition to being the Chair, you will need to submit your paper through the Call for Speakers.
- A paper not submitted to a specific symposium but if accepted, will be grouped with related topics to create a symposium. If accepted, you may be asked to Chair the session.
The Call for Speakers will open in early April 2024 and the deadline will be one month later.
2024 Annual Meeting Sponsorship Opportunities
AOAC invites you to participate as a sponsor for the 138th Annual Meeting & Exposition. Sponsorship provides an opportunity to position your company/organization as a supporter of AOAC. Please review the listings below to select the item or event that best aligns with your sponsorship goals. Reservations will be taken in the order they are received. Partial sponsorship may be available.
Sponsorship Opportunities
- Conference Bag: $3,000
- Poster Presentation: $1,000
- President’s Reception in Honor of AOAC Organizational Members (Sponsored by Eurofins): SOLD ($5,000)
- Community Mixer: $3,500
- Exhibit Hall Grand Opening & President’s Welcome Reception: $10,000
- Exhibit Hall/Poster Presentation AM or PM Coffee Breaks: $2,500/ea
- Exhibit Hall Lunches: $7,500/ea
- New Member and First-Time Attendee Welcome Reception: $5,000
- Reception for TDLM Members: $5,000
- Reception for TDRM Members: $5,000
- Annual Meeting Celebration: $10,000
- One-minute video to be played before any one scientific session: $1,000
- Hyperlinked banner ad on the Annual Meeting mobile app: $2,500
All Sponsors Receive:
- Company logo with a link to your website displayed on AOAC’s 2024 Champions & Sponsors web page
- Company logo displayed before the start of the Annual Meeting Keynote Address & Awards Ceremony
- Signage at the sponsored event
- Company logo on the Annual Meeting Entrance Unit
- Hyperlinked company logo on the Annual Meeting mobile app
- Company name listed in the mobile app Schedule
- Company name listed on the Annual Meeting Schedule web page
- Company name listed on the Annual Meeting Schedule at a Glance distributed on-site at the Meeting
To become a sponsor, please contact Lauren Chelf, AOAC Director of Meetings & Expositions at [email protected].
Engagement Packages
AOAC Engagement Packages provide opportunities for organizations to form partnerships and continue long-standing relationships with the Association.
AOAC recognizes that companies are interested in forming relationships with AOAC and its members while supporting our mission and strategy. We understand the value of providing a means to be seen as a solution provider and an ally to our stakeholders. To recognize your valuable support, AOAC offers Engagement Packages at four different levels to fit your needs.
All levels offer booths at AOAC’s Annual Meeting & Exposition; choose a higher level to expand your reach to other AOAC meetings, the AOAC website and publications, and more.
View Engagement Package Levels
Champion Level ($10,000)
- Booth space priority and 1 corner 10’x10’ booth at the Annual Meeting & Exposition.
- 40-minute vendor presentation at the Annual Meeting
- 4 complimentary registrations for the Annual Meeting
- 2 complimentary registrations for the Midyear Meeting
- Attendee list (in electronic format) for the Annual Meeting and Midyear Meeting for both pre-meeting and post-meeting marketing**
- Your materials (brochures, etc.) inserted into the Annual Meeting registration bags provided to every registrant
- Hyperlinked logo on the:
- Annual Meeting & Midyear Meeting email blasts (approx. 30 blasts)
- Annual Meeting & Midyear Meeting web sponsor pages
- Annual Meeting & Midyear Meeting mobile app
- Inside Laboratory Management magazine *
- Champion recognition with company logo included in the:
- Journal of AOAC INTERNATIONAL (print & online versions)
- Annual Meeting & Midyear Meeting signage
- Social media “thank you” post with link to the Champions web page, issued twice a month in February and March for the Midyear Meeting and July and August for the Annual Meeting (Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn)
- Two half-page advertisements within the May/June and July/August issues of Inside Laboratory Management *
- Company profile and hyperlinked logo included in the weekly electronic newsletter sent to all members, The Spectrum
- Usage of AOAC Champion Logo on the company’s website and social media
Trailblazer Level ($8,000)
- 1 corner 10’x10’ booth at the Annual Meeting & Exposition
- 20-min exhibitor presentation at the Annual Meeting
- Three complimentary registrations for the Annual Meeting
- Attendee list (in electronic format) for the Annual Meeting for both pre-meeting and post-meeting marketing**
- Your materials (brochures, etc.) inserted into the Annual Meeting registration bags provided to every registrant
- Trailblazer recognition with company logo included in the:
- Annual Meeting mobile app
- Inside Laboratory Management *
- Journal of AOAC INTERNATIONAL (print & online versions)
- Annual Meeting & Midyear Meeting signage
Leader Level ($4,000)
- 1 interior 10’x10’ booth at the Annual Meeting & Exposition
- Two complimentary registrations for the Annual Meeting
- Attendee list (in electronic format) for the Annual Meeting for pre-meeting marketing**
- Leader recognition with company logo included in the:
- Annual Meeting mobile app
- Annual Meeting & Midyear Meeting signage
Patron Level ($2,750)
- 1 interior 10’x10’ booth at the Annual Meeting & Exposition
*Inside Laboratory Management is electronic only.
**Attendees will have the ability to opt out from these communications and be excluded from this list
Engagement Packages Contact
Lauren Chelf
Director, Meetings & Exposition
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 240-801-8672
2024 Annual Meeting Exposition Opportunities
Join analytical chemists and microbiologists whose scientific interests are in the agricultural, food, drug, and environmental sciences by reserving a booth at the AOAC INTERNATIONAL 138th Annual Meeting & Exposition, August 23 – 28, 2024 at the Baltimore Marriott Waterfront in Baltimore, Maryland, USA.
Exhibitor Information
All AOAC Engagement Packages offer a 10′ x 10′ booth at the 2024 AOAC Annual Meeting, a complimentary meeting registration, a listing on the Annual Meeting website, and an organization listing in the Annual Meeting mobile app. Choose a higher package level for added benefits like additional complimentary meeting registrations, vendor presentation opportunities, advertisements, attendee lists, and more.
- Champion Level: $10,000
- Trailblazer Level: $8,000
- Leader Level: $4,000
- Patron Level: $2,750
If you are new to AOAC and would like to purchase an Engagement Package/booth, please contact Lauren Chelf at [email protected] to obtain login information.
Installation of Exhibits
- Sunday, August 25, 2024, 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Exhibit Hall Hours
- Sunday, August 25, 2024, 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM
- Monday, August 26, 2024, 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM
- Tuesday, August 27, 2024, 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM
On Monday and Tuesday, Exhibitors may enter the hall 30 minutes prior to the start time and stay within the hall 15 minutes after the hall closes. Booths must be staffed at all times while the hall is open.
Dismantling of Exhibits
- Tuesday, August 27, 2024, 3:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Booths may not be dismantled before 3:00 PM on Tuesday and move out must be completed by 8:00 PM on Tuesday.
Booth Rental
Each 10′ x 10′ booth comes with:
- One complimentary meeting registration (Add-on interior booths do not include complimentary registration.)
- A listing on the Annual Meeting website
- An organizational and product/service description in the Annual Meeting mobile app
- Pipe and drape (8’-high back-drapes and 3’-high side drapes) in show colors
- Booth identification sign (7” x 44”) with company name and booth number
- 6’ draped table, two chairs, and a wastebasket (for each booth ordered)
Hotel Information
AOAC INTERNATIONAL has arranged discounted sleeping room rates at the Baltimore Marriott Waterfront. Complete hotel information will be emailed to all exhibitors after booths are assigned.
Exhibit Contractors
Levy Exposition Services Inc. is AOAC’s official service contractor. In June 2024, Exhibitor Service Kits will be emailed to each person listed as the exhibit contact. This kit is to be used to order additional booth furnishings, electrical, drayage, and other services.
Airways Freight is the official shipping contractor and shipping information will be emailed to exhibitors in June 2024.
Booth Allocation Process
A completed contract and full payment are required to reserve booth space. Register early to receive the best booth location and maximum exposure for your company.
Exhibitor Information Contact
Lauren Chelf
Director, Meetings and Exposition
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 240-801-8672
2024 Annual Meeting Exhibitors
The AOAC Exposition is designed to be an integral part of your learning experience, with a superb range of new services and technologies to examine and featuring leading suppliers to the analytical communities. The Exposition offers an outstanding opportunity to learn about resources available to enhance both your individual and company performance.
2024 Exhibitors
Company / Booth
- A Chemtek Inc. / 207
- A2LA / 200
- Agilent Technologies / 201
- Anton Paar USA / 205
- bioMérieux, Inc. / 308
- Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. / 209
- Biotage / 204 & 206
- Bruker / 500 & 502
- CEM Corporation / 405
- ELISA Technologies, Inc. / 409 & 411
- Fritsch Milling & Sizing, Inc / 314
- GERSTEL, Inc. / 415
- Hardy Diagnostics / 510
- HORIBA Scientific / 312
- International Association for Food Protection
- JEOL USA, Inc / 203
- Microbiology International / 202
- MilliporeSigma / 304 & 306
- NIST / 215
- Restek / 310
- SCIEX / 401 & 403
- Shimadzu Scientific Instruments / 417
- Thermo Fisher Scientific / 407
- U.S. Pharmacopeia (USP) / 115
- Verder Scientific / 413
- Waters Corporation / 300 & 302
- Xylem / 208
AOAC Champions & Sponsors
AOAC Engagement Packages offer opportunities for organizations to form partnerships and continue long-standing relationships with the Association. The Champions represent the highest level of engagement with AOAC.
Thank You to Our 2024 AOAC Champions!
AOAC INTERNATIONAL: 2024 AOAC INTERNATIONAL Annual Meeting & Exposition: AOAC Champions & Sponsors