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Welcome to analytica

For five decades, the world's leading trade fair analytica has been your guarantee of success for the successful presentation of innovative laboratory technology and pioneering biotechnology. As the most important meeting place for the sector, it brings together the complete range of topics for laboratories in industry and research.

Industries & Topics

As the world’s largest gathering of the laboratory and analysis industry, analytica covers all topics from the field. Take a look around and find out what analytica has to offer you.


  • At analytica, nearly 900 international exhibitors present trendsetting innovations and ready-to-market products, for example used at chemical testing labs. Renowned laboratory analysis companies present their novel equipment configurations, systems, components, methods and applications for the complete supply chain of analysis in industry and research.


  • See technology premieres, new products and trendsetting methods in bioanalytics – from liquid handling to microscopy, micro- as well as nanotechnology and assays and labs-on-a-chip.


  • Automation and software solutions, special program or tool for high-sensitivity 3-D graphics—bioinformatics is becoming more and more important as an interdisciplinary key function.


  • At the biotechnology expo numerous life sciences, biochemistry and biotechnology companies will present innovative solutions and new products to you. The experts will inform you on the latest developments, new biotechnology, trends and potentials in the industry as well as the pertinent devices and system solutions.

Chemical industry

  • As a driving force for the industry, chemistry is of great significance at the trade fair. Bring yourself up to date about the latest developments—in equipment systems, possible applications and the latest trends.

Corona research

  • At analytica, the medical industry and corona research institutes present the latest technologies and methodologies in the fight against the virus.

Diagnostics & Medicine

  • Check out the latest analytical processes and molecular biology methods as success factors for forensics, toxicology and medial diagnostics. The focus is on clinical diagnostics and medical laboratories.

Drug discovery

  • Drug discovery: A vast number of exhibitors at analytica in Munich present the latest methods and technologies for researching new medications.


  • Next-generation technologies for the cosmetics industry require specific analysis systems and identification methods. You will get to know these and see many new products as well.

Lab automation

  • The purpose of lab automation is to make work in the modern laboratory more efficient. But can laboratory automation be successful in the chemical, biological, pharmaceutical, medical or food sectors? At analytica, the leading trade show for laboratory technology, analysis and biotechnology, we will present the latest trends in automation technology and lab automation systems.

Lab 4.0

  • Lab 4.0 does not only stand for digitalization in the laboratory, but for new ways of working. Find out more about laboratory 4.0!

Lab diagnostics

  • Modern laboratory diagnostics makes an extremely important contribution to medicine. At analytica 2024, experts from Germany and abroad present the latest developments in the field.

Lab equipment

  • The laboratory trade fair analytica is the world’s leading trade fair for laboratory analysis, laboratory technology and biotechnology. Up-to-date laboratory supplies are the essential basis for sustainable laboratory apparatus. At analytica, Numerous exhibitors from the laboratory technology industry will present the latest developments and solutions for the requirements in your day-to-day laboratory work.

Food analysis

  • At the analytica, you will see the latest analysis techniques, identification methods and methods for exposing food scandals. Exciting & innovative.

Material analysis and materials processing

  • Novel materials are the key to a more sustainable future—so innovative methods are very important for exploring and testing new substances and materials.

Sustainability in the lab

  • High water consumption, energy-guzzling equipment, hazardous waste: when it comes to sustainability in the laboratory, there is still a lot of catching up to do. analytica shows you how the laboratory world is achieving its own green transformation.


  • analytica depicts the pharma industry in its entirety. Experience the research sector's latest equipment solutions and developments in use.

Quality control

  • At analytica, numerous exhibitors in quality control present innovative solutions and new products. Don't miss this unique group of exhibitors and the attractive program of conference and supporting events!


  • A wide variety of environmental pollutants cause serious climate changes. Environmental analysis plays a decisive role in this complex of topics.


- analytica 2024

- analytica China 2024

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- analytica Anacon India 2024

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History of analytica

In 1968, a manned space capsule circled the moon for the first time, Germany introduced value added tax, and young people all over the world revolted against the prevailing circumstances. The analytics sector was also on the verge of a new era: in April of 1968, the analytica celebrated its premiere in Munich, back then it was still called “ANALYTICA—International Trade Exhibition for biochemical analyses”.

Analytica has been supporting the development of chemical analytics and bioanalytics for 50 years. And more: It stimulates the transfer of technology and expertise, as it brings together equipment manufacturers and laboratory analysts, scientists and users. Analytica has thus been driving the progress of analytics for half a century by now.

One look back shows how fundamentally the industry has changed since 1968: When the first analytica took place, many laboratory devices still had analogue displays. There were no computers for automatic data collection, no high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), and no coupling of gas chromatographs with mass spectrometers yet. Bioanalysts were not able to sequence genes yet. But many ideas were buzzing around. Undoubtedly, the industry needed a meeting place to exchange, to drive new developments, and to keep abreast of the latest developments. Thus, the very premiere of analytica in April 1968 was already a complete success.

The milestones of analytica’s history

  • 1968: The analytica celebrates its premiere with 90 exhibitors on a gross area of 5,000 square metres and 4,000 visitors from 17 countries. The accompanying conference “Biochemical Analysis” welcomes more than 800 industry visitors.
  • 1972: Already at the third analytica, all figures of the first event have more than doubled: more than 9,400 visitors flock the analytica in Munich on a gross area of 9,000 square metres.
  • 1976: The analytica has meanwhile established itself as the lead international trade fair. 13,308 visitors from 21 countries can learn all about the industry innovations on nearly 21,000 square metres of exhibition space.
  • 1992: A premiere at the analytica Munich: the first special show on an area of 182 square metres.
  • 1998: The analytica relocates to the new exhibition grounds in München-Riem.
  • 2002: For the first time, more than 1,000 exhibitors attend the exhibition.
    With the analytica China the trade fair takes the first step onto one of the most important analytical markets of the world.
  • 2003: The industry ventures into another important growth market with the analytica Anacon India.
  • 2009: analytica Munich and IMAG GmbH host the first analytica Vietnam in Hanoi.2012
    Live presentations in fully equipped Live Labs are held for the first time and become an outstanding success at the analytica in Munich.
  • 2014: The international exhibition network of the analytica continues to grow: the analytica Anacon India takes over the India Lab Expo.
  • 2016: The leading international trade fair for laboratory technology, analytics and biotechnology breaks all records: 1,244 exhibitors, 37 percent of which from abroad, present their innovations and future trends on the exhibition grounds in Munich.
  • 2017: The analytica cluster continues its path of expansion: this time with the Lab Africa, which will take place for the first time under the auspices of the analytica cluster in 2019.
  • 2018: The analytica 2018 paves the way for digitization in the laboratory industry: the new Forum Digital Transformation offers panel discussions, live demonstrations and sessions to become fit for the smart lab.

Wrote about us

DataApex: See you at Analytica 2024
Article | Events

DataApex: See you at Analytica 2024

DataApex participates in the Analytica exhibition in Munich, April 9-12, 2024



Cannabis Characterization Using GC and GCxGC with Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry

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Non-Target Characterization of Complex Essential Oil and Fragrance Samples with GCxGC-MS/FID for Reliable Identification and Relative Quantitation in a Single Injection

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