Activated Research Company is an innovative award-winning product development company with expertise in micro-reactor design, heterogeneous catalysis, and separations.
Our goal is to significantly improve gas and liquid chromatography – and our products deliver results across industries that require chemical analysis – including petrochemical, manufacturing, paints and coatings, flavor and fragrance, pharmaceuticals, oil and gas, environmental, forensics, and others.
ARC’s products are easy to install, easy to use, and easy to maintain – all of which directly reduce lab downtime, increase lab throughput, and impact your bottom line.
The innovations of Activated Research Company (ARC) and ARC’s GC add-ons and consumables are advancing the state of GC and FID chemical analysis and revolutionizing a 60-year-old industry.
The Polyarc converts your FID into a truly universal detector using patented catalytic conversion technology. This system gives your FID a uniform response across almost any organic molecule, allowing your lab to detect more compounds for more accurate data and improved efficiencies.
The Jetanizer is the easiest, most robust methanizer. This easy-to-install chemical reactor converts carbon dioxide and vcarbon monoxide** to methane, enabling sensitive detection by your FID and low level <1 ppm formaldehyde analysis by GC.
ARC’s GCxGC modulator transforms any GC into a powerful multi-dimensional separation instrument. This stop-flow modulator is simple to install and use, allowing any GC user to access reliable chemical data on even the most complex samples.
ARC’s PrecisionSplit™ enables simultaneous compound identification and quantification in a single injection. This Polyarc/MS Split system combines the capabilities of Flame Ionization Detectors and Mass Spectrometers to streamline chemical analysis.
ARC’s Isotope Reactor is the first low-temperature combustion reactor for GCC-IRMS. This award-winning solution for Isotope-Ratio Mass Spectrometry easily integrates into existing instrumentation — and significantly outperforms conventional combustion reactors.
The Solvere provides seamless carbon-selective detection for LC. This new detector allows for the use of FID in liquid chromatography (HPLC/UHPLC), size exclusion chromatography (SEC/GPC), and supercritical fluid chromatography (SFC) using a novel solvent removal and reaction system.