Webinars LabRulezGCMS Week 27-28/2023
LabRulez: Webinars LabRulezGCMS Week 27-28/2023
In the next 14 days, the following webinars await you in the field of gas / solid phase and especially Raman, FTIR, GC and GC/MS.
👉 Search and filter in almost 2 500 GC, LC and MS webinars.
1. Thermo Fisher Scientific: Next-Level CDS: Boost Productivity and Simplify Operations
- Th, 6.7.2023, 17:00 (CEST)
- Registration
The impact their CDS has on their laboratory operations and how their choice of CDS has made their lives easier by significantly cutting data processing time and streamlining their workflows.
2. LECO: State of the Art Technology for Aroma, Flavour and Fragrance Analysis
- Tu, 11.7.2023, 11:00 (CEST)
- Registration
We will explore how LECO technology is being used in the market to tackle common challenges faced by the Aroma, Flavor and Fragrance industry.
3. Thermo Fisher Scientific: Ask-the-experts on effective GC solutions to deal with the helium shortage
- We, 12.7.2023, 19:00 (CEST)
- Registration
The solutions covered include technologies for saving helium, as well as using hydrogen instead of helium- including data that validates the workflow for hydrogen usage.
4. Wasson-ECE Instrumentation: Dynamic Blending for Linearity and LDL
- Tu, 11.7.2023, 21:30 (CEST)
- Registration
Dynamic Blending for Linearity and LDL
5. Thermo Fisher Scientific: Orbitrap technology for off-flavor analysis in food
- We, 12.7.2023, 17:00 (CEST)
- Registration
The food industry spends a lot of time and effort analyzing products for their flavors and off-flavors. This analysis is very important since we all like our products to consistently taste the same.
6. Agilent Technologies: Selecting your Separation: Are my Compounds Better for GC or LC
- We, 12.7.2023, 19:00 (CEST)
- Registration
We will review analyte structural properties that make the compound more amenable to either liquid chromatography or to gas chromatography.
7. Separation Science/Agilent Technologies: Ask the Agilent Experts - Part 4: GC and GC/MS Scientists Discuss & Answer Your Most Frequently Asked Questions
- Th, 13.7.2023, 16:00 (CEST)
- Registration
The most frequently asked questions about GC and GCMS that we have received.