Webinars LabRulezGCMS Week 4/2023
LabRulez: Webinars LabRulezGCMS Week 4/2023
In the week from January 23, 2023, the following webinars await you in the field of gas / solid phase and especially GC and GC/MS.
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1. Agilent Technologies: Through Barrier Verification using a Handheld Spectrometer with SORS
- Mo, 23.1.2023
Agilent Vaya Raman spectrometer is a true see-through-barrier instrument with great adaptivity and sensitivity.
2. Separation Science/Agilent Technologies: Evolution of USP<1058> updates and insights in regulations
- We, 25.1.2023
The role of the current <1058> general chapter and how it aligns with the recently issued 2nd Edition of GAMP® 5.
3. Technology Networks//Agilent Technologies: How To Test Photovoltaic Cells Using FTIR and UV Spectroscopy Techniques
- We, 25.1.2023
We will investigate how FTIR and UV spectroscopy can be used in a number of materials testing areas.
4. Agilent Technologies: Discover the Possibilities: New Application Notes for Analysis of Pesticides with new GC/MS/MS
- We, 25.1.2023
We will focus on new technology advancements and best practices in GC/MS that reduce downtime and enhance lab productivity and performance.
5. SelectScience/Waters Corporation/Restek Corporation: Using nitrogen as a GC-MS carrier gas: Opportunities to eliminate reliance on helium
- We, 25.1.2023
The benefits of migration to alternative carrier gases, including hydrogen and, more importantly, nitrogen.
6. Agilent Technologies: Get Better Resolution for your New Year’s Resolution: GC Separation Troubleshooting
- We, 25.1.2023
Join us as we discuss methods and strategies for getting better resolution as your New Year's resolution.
7. Shimadzu Corporation: Ultra-Fast Bites - Screening of Ethylene Glycol and Diethylene Glycol in Medicinal Syrup
- Th, 26.1.2023
How the Shimadzu GCMS-QP2020 NX is the optimal solution for accurate qualification and quantitation of EG and DEG in medicinal syrup within a single injection.
8. Agilent Technologies: Common Handheld FTIR and Raman Questions Answered
- Th, 26.1.2023, 20:00 (CET)
Can the TopScan 4300 FTIR test liquid? What is the detection limit of the 4300 FTIR? Is ambient light an issue for Vaya Raman spectrometer?
9. Agilent Technologies: Anyone Can Collect FTIR Spectra
- Fr, 27.1.2023, 19:00 (CET)
This session will feature basics of FTIR measurements, using the most common sampling accessories.