Measuring Trihalogenmethanes (THM) in air of swimming halls using a thermal desorption system
Applications | 2003 | ChromtechInstrumentation
GC, GC/MSD, Thermal desorption
ManufacturerAgilent Technologies, CTC Analytics, Chromtech
Key wordsthms, desinfection, penetrated, chromtech, desorption, thm, thermal, air, bromine, indoor, measuring, tube, concentrationrates, shematic, swimmers, trihalogenmethanes, sample, tdas, precedes, septum, income, halls, swimming, transports, inhaled, needle, real, elegant, afterwards, maybe, absolutely, water, combi, puts, directly, basics, charcoal, pool, containing, ozone, drawing, tds, oven, organisms, shifted, pal, staff, conditioned, ctc, analytics
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