Determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons with LC-LC-GC-MS/MS
Postery | | Axel SemrauInstrumentation
GC/MSD, GC/MS/MS, Příprava vzorků, GC/QQQ
IndustriesPotraviny a zemědělství
ManufacturerAxel Semrau
Key wordsvalidation, polycyclic, axtraction, addition, kirchhoff, regulation, requirements, modus, aromatic, cleanup, hydrocarbons, berlin, institut, uncoated, according, saponification, olefins, fulfilled, etoh, limit, measurement, foodstuffs, citric, analytics, uncertainty, column, pah, determination, gmbh, istd, evaporation, hydroxide, performance, potassium, hexane, preparation, chromatography, sulfate, lod, characteristics, criteria, gas, loq, sodium, drying, data, mix, repeatability, helium, mrm
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